Anselm Schaufler (Austria - exploring Japan)

Anselm Schaufler Born 1970 in Vienna. Studies in composition with Bernhard Lang, Beat Furrer, Georg Friedrich Haas. 1999 "Magister artium" at the Musikuniversität Graz, where he also studied violin. 1990 and 1996 Scholarship to the International Summercourses for New Music in Darmstadt. "Kulturpreis der Stadt Graz 1997". 1999 Musikförderungspreis of Austria. Since 2000 teacher for music theory , arrangement and violin at the Johann Josef Fux Conservatory in Graz.
Compositions for the Opera of Graz, styriarte, steirischer herbst, Lutoslawski Festival, styria cantat... and different ensembles like ensemble reconsil, die reihe, zeitfluss...
Co-Founder, Violinist and resident Arranger/Composer for the string Quintet "Die salonfähigen Saitenspringer" , the violinduo "Duowabohu" and for the orchestras "Grazer Grammophoniker", "Grazer Salonorchester" . Colaboration with Bands like Opus, Beatles Unlimited, Kolonovits, Cellofun, Weana Gmiat Schrammeln, Familie Pischinger, Ensemble Profil...