Peter Jakober (Austria - exploring Brazil)

Peter JakoberPeter Jakober is adept at a range of instrumentations, from pieces for mixed choir to various chamber combinations, and like most composers in his generation, is completely at home both with live electronics and notated scores.
He grew up in southern Styria, learning accordion and piano and began his studies at the University of Graz in technical mathematics, musicology and philosophy before beginning composition with Georg Friedrich Haas and Gerd Kühr at the University for Music and the Performing Arts(Graz).
He graduated in 2006 with distinction, receiving a promotional award for music from the city of Graz and in 2007 a state scholarship for composition from the Austrian government, as well as a scholarship for a four month stay in Rotterdam from Styria.  He won first prize for 'Puls 3', a piece for an automated piano competition, 'Ghost Note Competition'.
He has had numerous performances and commissions with major new music ensembles in Austria and Europe, including the recherche ensemble, the Klangforum Wien, for festivals including Wien Modern, Musikprotokoll Graz, Paul Hofhaimer Music Festival, Klangspuren in Schwaz and with the festival Sacra!. From 2003-2008 he organised a platform for young composers, Hörfest Graz, which he founded with Erich Ranegger.
After abroad stayings in Rotterdam and Cologne he currently lives in Vienna.